Frequently asked questions

  • Orders placed within the USA are usually delivered in 10 business days or less. International orders may take longer due to customs.

  • We ship to all 50 states and 15 other countries, you can find out if we ship to your country at checkout.

  • We use a variety of different methods but the most common is known as DTG (Direct to Garment). This is how we achieve such bright and vibrant colors while also withstanding many washes.

  • To get the best and longest life out of your new clothes here is what we recommend:

    Machine wash cold, inside-out, gentle cycle with mild detergent and similar colors. Use non-chlorine bleach, only when necessary. No fabric softeners.

    Tumble dry low, or hang-dry for longest life.

    Cool iron inside-out if necessary. Do not iron decoration. Do not dry clean.

  • We do offer wholesale products to qualifying breeders and pet stores. You can find out more here.